New aktiva-tool for impact assessment of the hospital reform

The highly anticipated federal hospital reform was further specified by the Federal Ministry of Health in the key issues paper dated May 19, 2023. The current paper contains statements on reserve financing, level allocation and service groups including quality specifications. In principle, it was pointed out that the NRW service group model, including the quality criteria, is to be used as the basis for further specification in the area of the service groups of the future reform. In addition, it is made clear in which points there is still a need for agreement and further developments (e.g. convergence phase of reserve financing or additional service groups). A paper coordinated with the federal states is planned for June 29, 2023.

In order to enable hospitals outside North Rhine-Westphalia to conduct an initial impact assessment based on the currently known contents, Aktiva has developed the "Tool for Impact Assessment of the Hospital Reform".

With help of this tool, central guiding questions for hospitals can be answered:

  1. Which service groups according to the NRW model are targeted by my hospital with which volumes ( number of cases, CM, occupancy)?
  2. What level of financing should I expect in the initial phase?
  3. How does outpatientization affect the provision of service groups?
  4. From which departments do the services assigned to the service groups source?
  5. What are the dependencies between service groups and are they predictably met by my facility or are there gaps?
  6. What quality criteria must be met in equipment, staffing, and other areas?
  7. What scope of services in the service groups is provided by regional/cross-regional competitors?  

We would be pleased to provide further information on request.